Skye Sandhu Nelson

The power of a Woman Awards Winner ~ 2024

Skye Sandhu Nelson TPOAW Winner 2024

About Skye

My name is Skye. I’m from east London, and I’m a mummy to six wonderful children who I’m raising along with the wisest soul, my best friend and husband, Paul. For most of my adult life, I worked and volunteered for national, international, and local charities as well corporates, developing initiatives and capacity building women’s rights, disabled people’s support needs and young people’s development. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in the middle of 2021 and things for me changed instantly, for the first time in my life, I was unable to work, mother my children, be the friend, daughter, sister I had always been or at times manage my self care. People who know me, know that I’m not one to sit around, I’m always busying myself doing something and this literally put a big pause on my life. It was the toughest, debilitating year in and out of hospital for surgeries, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I was beyond scared, and didn’t want to die, I just kept thinking about my young family and the fact that, “I’m not ready yet, there’s so much more I need to do!” I had a lumpectomy within a fortnight of being diagnosed, developed sepsis, lost my hair, mobility and my confidence. The generosity of friends, family and community was humbling, and being a proud, “I can do it all by myself” type of woman, I really needed their support at the time.

I felt overwhelmed and through it all, I made a decision to vlog my experience weekly via instagram lives to share and document my experience (@skyeandhersix). In doing my weekly live videos, and showing up for myself I believe I gave others hope and encouragement in whatever they were going through and in a way, it became therapy for myself at the same time, helping me keep my head together. Since my active treatment ended, I’ve returned to work as a childminder working from home which gives me joy and allows me to be around for my family. I still experience side effects and I’m on medication to control things, however I’m constantly learning and reminded through love, support and prayer to be kind to myself and others, to not feel I need to do everything and be everywhere and to take care of myself as I would a best friend, and that’s where I’m at right now, living in each moment and actioning those plans I’ve been putting off for me, one day at a time.

On the power of a woman...

“Being a woman, is being me and being me is a time lapse of all my past experiences good, bad or indifferent. Being a woman is nurturing and loving life whilst getting up and doing the sizzle we got to do to make the world go round. Being a woman is having & nurturing your own space, your queendom like mother nature intended.”

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